Deploy MazzumaGPT Smart Contract Code on Base Network

This section will explore the seamless deployment process for smart contract codes generated with MazzumaGPT on the Base network using Hardhat.

Generate code

Start by navigating to the MazzumaGPT code generation page. Write a prompt to generate a smart contract.

Here is a sample NFT smart contract generated with MazzumaGPT.

Prompt: Generate an NFT smart contract (ERC-721) written in the Solidity programming language.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import '';
import '';

contract SampleNFT is Ownable, ERC721('NFT_NAME', 'NFT_SYMBOL'){
uint tokenId;
mapping(address=>tokenMetaData[]) public ownershipRecord;
struct tokenMetaData{
uint tokenId;
uint timeStamp;
string tokenURI;
function mintToken(address recipient) onlyOwner public {
require(owner()!=recipient, 'Recipient cannot be the owner of the contract');
_safeMint(recipient, tokenId);
ownershipRecord[recipient].push(tokenMetaData(tokenId, block.timestamp, 'ASSET_URL'));
tokenId = tokenId + 1;

Customizing the Generated Response

Copy the generated response to your code editor. Make any necessary changes to tailor it to your preferences.

Saving Customized Smart Contract

Save the file with any name you prefer, ensuring it ends with ".sol". For instance, you can name it "NFT.sol".

Adding Customized Smart Contract into Project

Now, go to your Hardhat project and locate the /contract directory. Include the file you saved earlier in this directory.

Compiling the Project Source Code

Proceed to compile the contract using Hardhat.

Deploying the Project on the Base Network

Finally, deploy the compiled project on the Base network.

For detailed instructions on setting up your project on the Base network using Hardhat, please refer to the following link:

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